Lab personnel participate to the following undergraduate caurses:

  • In compulsory course: "Histology - Embryology I & II" taught in the Medical School in the 3rd and 4th semester. In the dental department is taught only the "General Histology - Embryology" in the 2nd semester.
  • In compulsory elective course "Modern Techniques for Cells Study"
  • In elective compulsory course "Clinical Cytology"
  • Training of students in gynecology quarter
  • In compulsory elective course "Oncogenes and Growth Factors in Cancer Biology"
  • In compulsory elective course "Modern techniques for cell study" (until 2007)
  • In compulsory elective course of Clinical Cytology (medical students) on "Cytological Techniques, FNA of the thyroid, CSF"