
Aris Spathis, Biologist, PhD

Christine Kottaridi, Biologist, MSc, PhD

Abraham Pouliakis, Physicist in Electronics and Radiocommunications, M.Sc, PhD

Niki Margari, Cytopathologist, PhD

Kiriaki Konstantinidou, Cytotechnologist

Examinations -Techniques

  • Immunophenotyping investigation of lymphoproliferative disorders by flow cytometry
  • Cell cycle parameter analysis by flow cytometry and static cytometry
  • Intracellular protein expression analysis by flow cytometry
  • Morphometric analysis of cytological smears and quantification of immunocytochemical staining technique by static cytometry
  • Morphometric analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic characteristics and their consideration by artificial intelligence techniques

Research Activities

  • Architecture design and construction of image processing and analysis systems
  • Application of artificial intelligence techniques for the processing of morhometry data and the discrimination of benign from malignant lesions and classification of other neoplasias



